
First of all, thank you so much for visiting my website! In February 2024, I started pruning my digital footprint and preparing to eventually leave the centralized social media platforms that I've grown so dependent on. Over the years, I've signed up for, like, a million billion websites and services. It got to the point where I had, like, seven email addresses and more accounts than I could have ever imagined.

I've grown up on the internet though, and I still very much intend to stay terminally online; it's just nice to change the way I approach it and reclaim some of my privacy and digital autonomy. I've become very interested in personal websites and digital gardening and I've decided to use them as substitutes for my current online presence (which has mainly been on the bird app turned hellscape).

I also really like the idea of data hoarding. DHitMA has been a great resource for learning how to do that. I, seemingly by magic or luck, got one of my WD Elements external hard drives working again and I plan to use that to start my collection. I've already run into a bump though trying to download a wikipedia archive torrent. Oh well. I'd like to at least get my camera roll backed up so I can get the hell off of Google Photos. The trajectory of AI freaks me the fuck out!!

So anyways, I'm gonna use this site as kind of a space to just bleghhhh out into the digisphere and hopefully make some friends along the way!

My garden shrines are ever-evolving projects, so please stay tuned to see how they grow!

Oh. I should probably acknowledge the hedgehog theme. I loved them as well as the Fudgehog as a kid and they also fit well with the garden theme.